The way travelers look for information about their next destination today has entirely changed.[...]
1. As Velma knows the type of questions users of your website are asking and when, she is able to automatically generates relevant FAQs by languages and period. 2. These AI-generated FAQs are seamlessly integrated into your website. 3. Best of all: FAQs are automatically updated each week based on questions asked the prior week. 4. This process enables a fresh flow of highly relevant and structured data which is Google preferred content to index.
1. More visibility: by incorporating relevant keywords and phrases, AI generated FAQs deliver higher ranking in search engines. 2. Positive user experience: people are engaged when they see their questions reflected in the FAQs. 3. Direct bookings: users trust and convert the most with well-optimised and resourceful web sites. 4. Competitive edge: beat the OTAs at their own game by ranking higher in Google. 5. Cost-effective: a limited investment yields higher returns in visitors, branding, and bookings 6. Productivity gain: drastically reduces the number of incoming calls and emails by providing the right information at the right time.
1. More Revenue: AI-generated FAQs generate more direct bookings 2. More Productivity: Drastically reduces the number of incoming calls and emails. 3. More guest Satisfaction: Q-SEO provides the right information at the right time.
Q-SEO for hotels is more than just a marketing strategy; it’s an integral part of a hotel’s online presence and success. It helps you reach the right audience, outperform OTAs, and maximize bookings, all while providing valuable data for continuous improvement. Investing in SEO with Q-SEO is essential for hotels looking to thrive in the AI age.
The way travelers look for information about their next destination today has entirely changed.[...]
Why do OTAs* (, Expedia, etc.) often rank at the top of Google for[...]
Quicktext, the hospitality specialist in AI and Big data, will be participating in CES[...]