Q-SEO: enhancing Hotel SEO for success

Or how artificial intelligence and big data enable hotels to compete with OTAs and maximize their chances of appearing at the top of Google results using SEO for hotels.

See Velma in action !
Telegraph Coventry, UK
Q-SEO: enhancing Hotel SEO for success

Or how artificial intelligence and big data enable hotels to compete with OTAs and maximize their chances of appearing at the top of Google results using SEO for hotels.

See Velma in action !
Telegraph Coventry, UK

SEO with AI & Big Data

Featured Snippets and Google FAQ formats appear on top of search results. OTA & metasearch platforms are massively using these new techniques to increase visibility and traffic.

Q-SEO maximizes hotels' chances to appear at the top of Google search results. Indeed artificial intelligence (AI) knows what are the questions most asked to the hotel. Let's inject these questions (and answers) into the website in the form of snippets updated in real-time.

AI-powered snippets help hotels address 3 issues:

  • Generate automated online FAQs based on the most frequently asked questions per language, 
  • Improve SEO (SEO for hotels) into each version of the website, 
  • Optimize SERP (Search Engine Result Page): appeared at the top of the results for natural language searches.

In just a few days, the results were astonishing: the hotel's official website appeared at the top of the results for natural language searches.

The ultimate SEO solution for hotels

In all cases the ranking of the site is positively impacted. It is not a question of being first on all possible queries, but of finally being able to enter the game with OTAs.

Online FAQs

Online FAQs

  • Manual FAQs topics are established by hoteliers from subjective considerations without any statistical validation.
  • Q-SEOgenerates language-relevant FAQs based on the questions that customers really ask to the Hotel chatbot.
  • The FAQ order is updated every week to reflect customers current interests and take into account seasonality.

SEO improvement

SEO improvement

  • This dynamic AI-generated FAQ page is optimised for SEO and updated once a week.
  • Google frequently scrolls these pages, which improves the website's ranking.
  • This allows hoteliers to drive additional traffic by creating FAQ pages even in languages that are not available on the rest of the website.

SERP improvement

SERP improvement

  • Feature snippets: Allow the hotel to appear on top of Google search results on specific queries.
  • Long tail snippets: Allow the FAQs in the Google Results (SERP) to associate with the main domain of the hotel.. 
  • Additional results: Allow for more natural results in SERPs
  • Google Assistant and ChatGPT responses are based on Zero Position.