Cubilis, the booking engine by Stardekk is now compatible with Velma, the hotel chatbot[...]
Cubilis, the booking engine by Stardekk is now compatible with Velma, the hotel chatbot[...]
Witbooking partners with Quicktext to help hotels leverage artificial intelligence and reinforce their direct[...]
Hotel contact centers are often costs when they should be profit centers because human[...]
Hoteliers, due to COVID-19, are currently facing low demand levels, fewer staff members while[...]
Quicktext chatbot and Oaky upselling engine join forces to boost your hotel direct sales[...]
Deliver better and more personalized service with fewer staff. Look how hotels leverage digital hotel[...]
Quicktext initiates a collaboration with Mirai booking engine. All hotels that use Mirai can[...]
Key conversion and ROI metrics of hotel chatbots Chatbots are increasingly popular on e-commerce[...]
Take 3 minutes to understand how hotel chatbots help you increase your hotel revenues.[...]